Increase Revenues
Modernize your BusinessModernize_your_Business.html
Best Customer Service ToolBest_Customer_Service_Tool.html
Data RecoveryData_Recovery.html
Bringing Families TogetherBringing_Families_Together.html

What we do:

Why it works: 

We engineer your company’s digital presence to reach a global market.

We Design a state of the art website using the latest technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript incorporated into WordPress’s Content Management Systems to deliver dynamic media rich content that is vibrant and highly informative.  We then launch the site and build a marketing campaign that incorporates Social Media and targeted Email Campaigns.  We analyze our results and make adjustments to meet your company’s goals.  Then we research your competitors, redesign and expand our strategy to exceed your expectations.

Marketing has evolved.  The marketing company's have not shaped it, the consumer has.  The consumer no longer watches commercials.  They interact with there friends and family on the internet.  With cellular service and wi-fi hotspots everywhere, they are always connected to the web and each other.  Whether its a mobile device or a computer at home they are using these devices to educate themselves about products and services by visiting websites and reading blogs.  They use search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo to find exactly what they are looking instantly.  The algorithms search engines are using are phenomenal, returning results that are highly accurate and delivering ad content that is highly targeted to specific demographics.   People are constantly sharing experiences with social media on social websites such as Facebook and Twitter 

Consumers can make purchases on e-commerce websites or virtual storefronts on eBay and Amazon.

The web, mobile devices, social media, social websites, search engines and e-commerce channels are the tools of digital marketing.  Its highly effective and affordable.  The Return on Investment has never been higher and the Customer Acquisition Cost has never been lower.  Facebook and Twitter are free. The only costs are development of social media and the time and effort in building your digital footprint.  Sigma Six methodology can now  be  applied to digital marketing.  You can measure things with analytics, make adjustments and craft better campaigns.  You can measure email marketing campaigns with landing pages and use A/B testing to tweak your campaigns to certain demographics.  Online advertising such as Google Adwords, Facebook, Yahoo and Bing ad campaigns can also be measured and targeted to different demographics. 

How we do it:

Increase revenues by

expanding market

Highly Effective Social Media Marketing Campaigns